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Resource and time constraints imposed on local authorities often require a pre-application approach in order to reduce the cost and risks of refusal of later green belt applications. Green belt architects work closely with agents, valuers and architects to advise on the viability of a scheme, including density, car parking and the ‘planning gain' package that might be required. Green belt building designers are extremely environmentally conscious and they help to minimise the carbon footprint a new build can create by using local materials and local trades. It is worth noting that not all Green Belt was created equal or has the same value for that matter. Rather than the public perception of rolling green fields, much of the Green Belt is far less attractive in reality. Often the Green Belt will include sites that already have development on them. Fundamental to the National Planning Policy Framework’s (NPPF) protection of the Green Belt against inappropriate development is the concept of preserving its openness. A presumption will be applied that all new developments requiring discharge of waste water should do so to a public sewer to be treated at a public treatment works operated by a water company, unless it is not feasible to do so on grounds of cost or practicality. Green Belt policy is used to ensure that land within the Green Belt is kept permanently open and free of development so that the spread of urban development is contained. However local authorities are taking into account the extent to which a site is previously developed as part of their Local Plan strategy.